I am notorious for being in the middle of multiple books...as summer has hit full force I find myself wanting to laze about and read all day long. At the moment, this has been a very good thing, since I am in the middle of three awesome books.
I am reading, The Metabolic Plan by Dr. Stephen Cherniski, Men are from Mars Women are from Venus, and Rich Woman by Kim Kiyosaki. I would recommend all of them as quick and entertaining reads, not to mention chalk full of helpful, insightful and awesome information.

The book I would like to highlight today is, Rich Woman. I have to thank James' mom for sharing this book with me. She let me borrow her copy right after I graduated and I find myself not wanting to put it down and re-reading sections over and over again hoping to pull out every last detail of goodness.
In short, Rich Woman, I would say, is an inspirational guide for women's financial futures. It outlines the path that Kim Kiyosaki followed to become the strong woman and investor that she is today. Through reading this book I have found a new sense of direction and motivation to become financially secure and independent.
I am a woman, I am a teacher, I am in love with James and want to share my life with him, but ultimately I am capable of being completely financially independent regardless of my gender, profession or relationship status.
If you are a woman, definitely get a hold of this book. It will change the way you think of money, investing and taking care of yourself. To be cliche, your owe it to yourself to get all of the education you can to prepare for your financial future...no, not just your financial future...your happiness, success, your dreams.
Well, that was my rant...really it is a good book. I recommend it highly :)
Hope everyone has a happy 4th of July!