Book by Gary Hamel
I like this book. It challenged the way I thought about business innovation. It points out that it's not about making small changes to the existing product mix, but coming up with completely new ways to serve customer wants and desires. Some of the examples are amazing ideas - and it even predicts the iPod. At the time it was written (2000), there was no service that offered mp3s and downloadable music (I don't even know if downloadable is a word, but I like it). Hamel went as far to say that whoever figures it out first will gain huge market share. Well, it seems that Apple proved him right with 80% of the market. Not bad.
More importantly, Hamel gets you excited to want to experiment and shake up your workplace. As a budding professional, this really got me going. I know I'll still have to learn the ropes, but I can't wait to start discovering places to dramatically increase value by changing the way my company views the market place (high aspirations? I hope not). If you're not content with your job, I recommend reading this book because it will help to give you a greater purpose to go in every day. It's inspiring and easy to read. I hope you enjoy it.
You can check it out for yourself at Amazon:
Leading the Revolution
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